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European School Education Platform

U zdravom tijelu zdrav duh 2019/2020

“MENS SANA IN CORPORE SANO” je stara latinska poslovica koja nam govori kako te dvije stvari idu jedna uz drugu, te da možemo unaprijedili svoje fizičko i mentalno zdravlje pomoću fizičkog vježbanja. Kroz fizičke aktivnosti razviti svijest o značaju I potrebi za fizičkom aktivnošću I sportom. Povećati intresovanje djece za bavljenje određenom vrstom sporta, usmjeriti ih na pravi način, prepoznati talenat. Sprovoditi fizičke aktivnosti umjereno, ali redovno. “Mens sana in corpora sano” an old Latin saying that these two things go together and we can improve our physical and mental health by exercising. Through physical activity we develop awareness of the importance and need for physical activity and sports. We will increase the interest of children for certain sports and direct them in the right way. We will have our activities moderately, but regularly.
Created on
70 members
National Quality Label


Serbia(21), Croatia(14), Turkey(14), Bosnia and Herzegovina(13), North Macedonia(3), Romania(2), Georgia(1), Lithuania(1), Poland(1)
Age range:
up to 3
Subjects of teaching: