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European School Education Platform

Creativity of collective imagination- our story

Each partner organises one group of students (however we can change it later depending on the number of groups). Each group writes a short (3-5 sentences) beginning of a story, e.g. Once upon a time there was a smart detective who... Then we exchange the ideas, e.g. group no. 1 hands out their first paragraph to group no. 2, group no. 2 theirs to group no. 3... and the last group to group no. 1. The groups have one week to make up another paragraph, and once again it is presented to another group. Finally we've got a few stories made by all groups ( for example Story no. 1: the beginning by group no. 1. the second paragraph by group no. 2... the final one by group no. 8; Story no. 2: the beginning by group no. 2, the first paragraph by group no. 3..., the final paragraph by no.1). Those students, who like drawing, painting, taking photos etc. can prepare one work per one paragraph (so if we start, Once upon a time there was a detective... one student can make a picture of a detective).
Created on
20 members


Turkey(8), Poland(3), Italy(3), Romania(3), Croatia(1), Lithuania(1), Tunisia(1)
Age range:
Subjects of teaching: