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European School Education Platform

European Day of Languages

Hi, we are a French school and i'd like to organize a card exchange from various countries speaking various langages in Europe. We could start the 2016-2017 school year having pupils to prepare homemade cards or real postcards, collecting informations about their town and country to be sent to various schools. In the end when we'll receive all the cards , we could make posters introducing our partnerschools and town, placing them on a huge map, researching on it etc... On the cards we could have a part in local language and a translation in english? I did that in the past, it worked brilliantly and the kids loved to receive and send cards from/to five other partner school all over europe. We could then share pictures on how we used them , posters, exhibition etc...
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16 members


Poland(4), Romania(2), Lithuania(1), Portugal(1), North Macedonia(1), France(1), Czech Republic(1), Turkey(1), Germany(1), Serbia(1), Iceland(1), Georgia(1)
Age range:
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