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European School Education Platform

One child, a lot of emotions

To be calmed, an emotion must be accepted, listened to, expressed. Thus, it grows in intensity and ends up manifesting itself in more or less desirable behaviors. According to the latest discoveries in neuroscience, children do not have the biological ability to manage their emotions by themselves. In fact, their prefrontal brain, the one that regulates emotions, is still developing. Instead, their emotional brain is formed from birth. This explains why children have such a complex emotional life. Therefore, children need us, the teachers(adults), to help them identify their emotions and control them. Teaching children to recognize, express and manage their emotions is one of the greatest gifts we can give them. This emotional intelligence will allow them, later in life, to develop harmonious relationships and become self-confident teenagers and fulfilled adults. Through this project, our students will travel on a journey through the universe of emotions and discover the 6 most common childhood emotions: anger, sadness, fear, joy, happiness and calmness. The preschoolers will learn to recognize emotions and accept them. They will experience them through creative activities, to learn to express them, as well as through relaxing activities to learn to calm them down.
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2 members


Latvia(1), Romania(1)
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