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European School Education Platform

'Like Fire and Water -we and the Elements'

Children are confronted day by day with new information about the protection and destruction of our environment. Daily news report about how the nature/“elements“ that form our climate are changing and which part we as humans have. One motivation for this project is the importance to understand that we are all part of a complex ecosystem that should be kept in balance. Today’s life changes rapidly, as can be seen in the progress of lifestyle, industry, technology as well as in the environment. Children spend more and more time inside, they grow up surrounded by multimedia and technology, they learn with digital information and spend much time in cyberworlds. Therefore it is more than important to open young people for the world they live in, as well as giving them a chance to slow down and take a look around for a broader perspective, giving them the chance to explore their nature and environment they live in – experience, learn and work with it. The second motivation is to sensitize young people to environmentally friendly behaviour, global thinking and cooperation to preserve the nature for their future and to widen their own point of view. Understanding the meaning of resources that the elements offer to us and our life, what they mean for our region and for ourselves, the positive as well as the negative sides are the aims of this project as well as understanding that without the four elements there would be no life on this earth. The idea to work on a topic like this with schools from different countries includes the possibility to learn from each other and with each other as well as realizing that nature doesn't stop at borders that are set by human beings. Learning from different countries how the resources of the elements can be used and what they mean to the different parts of Europe connects our pupils in a special way of learning and getting to know each others’ lives. Next motivation for this project is the fact that we all live in the same world and we all are responsible for what we do and our behaving effects on the future. I hope that we can open the mind of our children and strengthen them for an respectful behaving towards themselves, to others as well as for our nature. With Europe growing together and globalization growing it is increasingly important to sensitive oneself to the differences of people living in Europe and at the same time to practice one’s individuality. Dealing with one’s own culture, life and nature and comparing it with others will lead to a common understanding and cooperation between different nations. During this project we will focus on the four elements fire, water, earth and air and their scientific, ecological and cultural aspects. We will use the symbolism of the "4 Elements", common to the culture of the European societies, to study topics of nature, environment, the human need for both, and sustainability. "4 Elements" will also be used as a vessel to introduce nature and human relations with their environment across Europe. During the project the students will work with cultural, geographic, environmental and social information about the own and the partner countries. They will learn about resources that the „elements“ offer, how to use and protect them as well as how the „elements“ affect on the way people live. Pupils will work on ideas for sustainable development and forms of environmentally friendly living. These topics will take place during daily lessons as well as in task forces, project days/weeks. Conscious working with the identity, similarities and differences of different countries shall contribute to more tolerance and cooperation.
Created on
5 members
National Quality Label


Romania(1), Poland(1), Latvia(1), Italy(1), Ireland(1)
Age range: