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European School Education Platform

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In the subjects of Geography (7th grade) and Arts (7th grade and 9th grade), students prepare sketches of landscapes and their description, developing in students the ability to observe, interpret, represent, subtit and edit the drawings. The sketches can be static landscapes or events observable from different territories and that characterize their region or even the different experiences of peoples. The ultimate goal is the construction of a collaboratively constructed mural that brings together the students' drawings or paintings. These landscapes should have a description, in English, to the taste of students and their teachers. Collaboration and communication between partner Schools will be done via the Web, favoring the TwinSpace, which will be a collaborative space. Netiquette rules, based on respect and mutual understanding, will be followed. The two founding professors are from Portugal and Spain. The enrichment of students with this project will be greater the greater the number of schools involved in this collaborative work, so the project will be disseminated to the eTwinning community.
Created on
10 members


Portugal(4), Greece(2), Italy(1), North Macedonia(1), Croatia(1), Spain(1)
Age range: