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European School Education Platform

SALES - Students Actively Learning Entrepreneural skills - Erasmus+ project

SALES contributes to the personal and professional development of students. We want to develop their critical and creative ideas and enhance their entrepreneurship. Creativity, innovation, critical thinking and digital competencies are the key to success: our mission is to guide and support students in acquiring them. We encourage entrepreneurial learning and want to connect students to real-life businesses to facilitate their understanding of the business world. We want to show different approaches to entrepreneurship. We will get an idea of local economies and needs of the 5 countries and cities we are going to visit. We planned 5 student exchanges in this project: 1. C1 - the economy of Bulgaria and beginners in agriculture 2. C2 - Romanian economy and IT initiatives 3. C3 - Czheck economy and initiatives to touristic businesses 4 C4 - Turkey's economy beginners and beauty industry 5. C5 - Belgium economy: sustainablilty & environment: outdoor & sport activities.
Created on
15 members


Belgium(6), Czech Republic(3), Romania(2), Turkey(2), Bulgaria(2)
Age range: