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European School Education Platform


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Projects (58)

Ovo je kratak projekt u kojem se popularizuje brojevni sistemi, matematika, informatika. i dizajn Kroz galavnu projektnu aktivnost -izrada novogodišnjih čestitiki gde se 2024 piše u binarnom, oktalnom...

The main aim of our project is to create a manual of some useful advice for teenage people on how to overcome this difficult period of time. It should help them to feel better, stronger and more...

With this project, students will learn from where we get energy and how we use it. And they will embark on an energy journey with this project. They will discover the consumers of energy by having...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

Students will learn the basics of online safety They will learn to use new media in a useful way. Children will learn to use social networks responsibly through interaction and play.

National Quality Label

The Project will be about natural and historical wonders. There are countless wonders in the world yet most of them are unknown to the world. The students are curious about them. They will learn those...

U jeku nedostatka empatije i nerazumijevanja za drugog i drugačijeg, djeca sa teškoćama u razvoju nailaze na razne poteškoće u svom svakodnevnom funkcionisanju. Osim što inkluzija još uvijek nije u...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

Getting to know the folklore culture of ours and the folklore culture of others is one of the basic elements on which we are able to upbring our children into imaginative and tolerant individuals...

National Quality Label

I’m an English teacher in a secondary school. So, my students’ age is 10 to 15. As you know, people, even kids, love to try to do something (new?). My aim is to teach a foreign language through...

National Quality Label