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European School Education Platform

Social Inclusion - Through Physical Health and Cultural Heritage

6 European schools are involved and we have chosen to name our project “Social Inclusion - Through Physical Health and Cultural Heritage", because the objective of the project is to help to create a European identity and multiculturalism where there is room for everyone, including refugees and migrants. How can we develop a European set of values – based on human rights, equality and cross-cultural tolerance. The participants in the project will be influenced to be more open and inclusive in their perception of society. If we succeed in making the participating youths become solution-oriented, we will have created learning for life. The topics have been chosen as they are linked to the EU commission’s priorities and issues facing inhabitants today, they allow a multi-disciplinary approach and are linked to the school's curriculum.
Created on
13 members


France(4), Norway(3), Spain(2), Germany(2), Greece(2)
Age range: