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European School Education Platform

@round Pets

Students are between 8 and 10 years old and will use English as language for this project. During the project, areas like Natural Sciences, Citizenship, Art and ICT will also be involved/developed. Students will first present themselves through a videoconference. Then they will take pictures of their pets and post them on the TwinSpace using padlet. After, each class will post a work explaining the rules/procedures to follow when we have to take care of a pet. Later, as outcome, they will draw their pets and write a text about them: naming them, describing them briefly, telling if they are omnivorous, herbivorous or carnivorous; if their body is covered by fur, feather or other and describing their pets’ abilities. These texts will be posted as a book/scrapbook on the Twinspace. The students who have no pets can choose the one they would like to have and write about it.
Created on
47 members


Turkey(8), Romania(7), Italy(5), Spain(4), Portugal(4), Ukraine(4), Poland(4), Albania(3), Bulgaria(2), Croatia(1), Slovenia(1), Czech Republic(1), Bosnia and Herzegovina(1), Slovakia(1), Lithuania(1)
Age range: