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European School Education Platform

Sustainability - Pay it Forward (SPiF)

This project should increase students’ awareness not simply of manmade changes and influences damaging the environment, but each individual responsibility for it. They should be able to understand that waiting for control from above might take too long, and that several initiatives from the grassroots have chances to succeed, especially in times of rapid dissemination. The groups involved are students nearing adulthood who probably have had a fair share of worries about their future, of moral questions concerning their plans and decisions both privately and professionally. The groups of students involved have a national background with a certain consciousness concerning environmental problems and how to deal with them, as it is vital to view their own country, environment, school, family etc. both critically and with the chance of appreciation for areas where things have already been bettered, and they have different job-related subjects in school (engineering, construct etc.).
Created on
6 members


Norway(3), Germany(2), Sweden(1)
Age range: