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European School Education Platform

Writing creatively

Our project is aimed at promoting creative writing and giving a chance to our pupils of presenting their poems and prose samples to others and to get genuine opinions about their work. We will set a monthly theme and our pupils will propose written creations starting from it. We intend to use a variety of tools and methods in order to expand their possibilities: collaborative writing online, animations/cartoons online, picture novels, graphic novels and so on. More than a project, this initiative proposes to create an expositional space for our pupils’ works. We believe that it is of outmost importance to cross the bridge between reader and writer and to allow self-expression, taking into account that self-expression seems to be reduced, nowadays, to telegraphic and writing and in online comments.
Created on
6 members


Romania(3), Latvia(1), Tunisia(1), Turkey(1)
Age range:
Subjects of teaching: