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European School Education Platform

Franco Irish Fine Tuning. Getting to know the musical cultural heritage of another European country and creating a performance. Record each countries performance and share on eTwinning / Twinspace

The project aims at creating a music show and virtual performance of a repertoire of researched songs including both our Irish students and our partner French students. We also aim to create a mutual respect and a feeling of connectedness between the two schools by sharing our countries culture, musical history, friendship and our abilities. • The students will learn about the musical cultural heritage of the partner country and about their own. • They will co write a song in English, each country will add lyrics during a video conference. • Each country will learn cover songs connected to its partner country. • We will record our performances and there will be a show of the performances in France. • The students will become aware that regardless of our abilities music is a communication tool accessible to all. We hope 1. to promote the musical heritage of a country in an intercultural way and through music 2. To learn about the musical and artistic heritage of a country through music 3. To develop an interdisciplinary cross curriculur approach to teaching and learning. 4. To offer students different ways to express themselves, through arts, a foreign language and the use of IT. 5. To engage in collaborative group work activities. 6. To enhance independence and social responsibility
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