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European School Education Platform

A retrospective look at World War I from a regional point of view

Including an application Erasmus+ 2014-2017: The focal point lays a) on the regional history, comparing results with our partners. b) the possible alternatives of WWI – pacifism, anti-militarism, new democratic beginnings after the war. Another key issue that needs to be addressed by this project is if the outbreak of the war is based on a fatal lack of knowledge, misjudgement or both. Another question which arises is how could it be possible, that after a World War followed the next World War within two decades? It was not an ‘European’ but ‘World War’, that’s why partners from overseas present an important part in our project. In how far the "ordinary citizen" was involved. We do research in local archives, reading old newspapers and journals comparing school books of that time and discussing the results with our partners.
Created on
13 members


Greece(4), France(3), Turkey(3), Georgia(2), Germany(1)
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