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European School Education Platform

Health on the plates of European preschoolers

The project is aimed to create an European cookery book for preschools by swapping recipes and information about the cuisine of other countries and creating new dishes according to own ideas. By travelling through all the seasons of the year children will be enabled to get to know various dishes, fruits, vegetables and climate and culture herbs unique for the given country. By tasting recipes of favourite dishes children from cooperating kindergardens would have the opportunity to experience both new tastes and various cultural aspects at the same time. We plan to promote European cuisne among parents, encouraging them to getting deeper into new cuisine, culture and experimenting with different tastes.
Created on
19 members


Greece(3), Romania(2), France(2), Italy(2), Spain(2), Iceland(1), Turkey(1), Lithuania(1), Croatia(1), Poland(1), Bulgaria(1), Portugal(1)
Age range:
up to 3
Subjects of teaching: