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European School Education Platform

Let's Spread Kindness! Be good! Be beautiful!

This project is intended to help us teachers and our students spread kindness all around us. Creating a culture of KINDNESS in our students will enrich their lives. We intend to promote kindness not as an added value, but as a habit of life, a behaviour that guides the daily routine. Kindness means acting kindly towards each other. A practice of kindness repeatly becomes a habit. In this way, if each individual habitually acts with kindness, communities can be more welcoming and all their citizens happier. Let's build kindness together! We want to develop activities which promote kindness in schools and in the school community. Little gestures which can teach our students how to be kind and good with thier colleagues. Let's make June the month of goodchildren! Let's make Kindness a way of living! The event will be patronised by L’Associazione Culturale Cor et Amor Italia Costruiamo la gentilezza!
Created on
22 members


Romania(7), Italy(7), Bulgaria(3), Spain(2), Turkey(1), Jordan(1), Croatia(1)
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