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European School Education Platform

Partner finding

Partner finding is a meeting point for schools and teachers interested in hosting mobility activities and taking part in them, such as teaching assignments, job shadowing or placements. Listings can be posted both by organisations that offer mobility opportunities and individuals looking for such opportunities. Learn more about the partner finding types here.

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Postings (2434)

Partners for mobility activities
Discovering European institutions in Brussels or Strasbourg in January 2025

We'd like to bring teenagers together and let them discover what Europe/the European Union means to them and also to let them experience the institutions "in action" while visiting Strasbourg or Brussels.

Age range 15 - 17
Expires on
Created on 04.06.2024 | Last edited on 04.06.2024
Partners for mobility activities
Alternative (montessori, dalton, waldorf) education

Our goal is to visit a primary school in Denmark with a group of 20 students aged 12-14, which would act as our guide for a few days. This means showing us around their school, involving us in their regular activities, taking us on a field trip, etc...

Age range 12 - 14
Expires on
Created on 04.06.2024 | Last edited on 04.06.2024
Partners for a small-scale partnership
Accredited school in Finland looking for partners for a project about well-being

Promoting healthy eating habits, and a healthy lifestyle. Excercising and sleeping well.
Getting away from the mobile phone.
Making new friends, committing to the society and school.
We would mainly work with the representatives of the student...

Age range 12 - 15
Expires on
Created on 04.06.2024 | Last edited on 04.06.2024
Partners for mobility activities
Juntos por un mundo más verde

El objetivo principal es desarrollar la conciencia ecológica de nuestros estudiantes, fomentar la inclusión social, desarrollar la apertura cultural y adquirir las competencias sociales, cívicas e interculturales necesarias para su desarrollo...

Age range 12 - 16
Expires on
Created on 04.06.2024 | Last edited on 04.06.2024