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European School Education Platform


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Projects (1884)

Proiectul are scopul de a dezvolta încrederea elevilor în ei, de a pune în valoare importanța abilităților profesionale ale elevilor din învățământul profesional. Prin acest proiect, elevii vor învăța...

European exchange between two vocational schools in catering and cooking, about our culinary cultures and traditions.

It is a project that applies mathematical notions related to units of measurement in everyday life. It contains transdisciplinary activities, STEAM activities.

Students will present their culture to their peers from other countries throughout Europe. They will make presentations and short videos. They will also share emails.

This project involves students researching their local cultural traditions (music, games, history, etc.). After thar, they will share it with students from other schools, in order to compare...

This project consists in following a mascot, a pop figurine of the character Lumière from the Disney movie Beauty and the Beast, through his travels across a few countries in the E.U. Students from...

Let's descover our traditions in Ramdan together

The project aims to promote understanding, appreciation and inclusion by exploring international gastronomic traditions. By sharing culinary experiences, students from different countries will...