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European School Education Platform


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Projects (2039)

Vēlamies izveidot dažādus sporta aktivitāšu inventārus no, iespējams, jau lietotām lietām. Dažādām lietām dot otru "elpu". Izmantot kādu lietu ne tam paredzētajā veidā. Ļaut bērniem domāt ārpus...

A project about play and social sustainability in colloboration between Iceland and Sweden.

A project about play and social sustainability in collobration between Iceland and Sweden

A project about play and social sustainability in collobration between Iceland and Sweden

Proiectul este destinat cadrelor didactice care participa la cursul de formare - Introducere in ESEP / eTwinning si scrierea unui proiect european. Utilizarea TIC la clasa. In cadrul proiectului ne...

A child is a sensory being and he perceives the world through his senses, the more acutely he perceives it, the more intelligent he becomes. Accordingly, the goal of the project would be to develop...

It is aimed for individuals with special needs to acquire basic self-care skills that they need to perform routinely in daily life and to become independent in self-care skills by embedding self...

Priešmokyklinio amžiaus vaikams skirtas projektas, orientuotas į gamtamokslinio komunikavimo ir tyrinėjimų gebėjimų ugdymą įvairių patyriminių ir žaidybinių veiklų metu.