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European School Education Platform


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Projects (16201)

The students of partner school will compare their opinion and knowledge about the EU.

This project will explore the role of music and art in education and teens’ well-being at school with a particular focus on inclusiveness and common European values. Students will experience new ways...

"On Europe Day We Share, On Wellbeing We Care" is a collaborative project across European schools, promoting wellbeing through creative initiatives like logo design, poster creation, and online...

Thematic tours in the school regions: literature, history and music, using a virtual map.

French and German students will gain information about the EU and the European Election. They will work together on different aspects concerning the election.

The project aims to promote European citizenship education, encouraging young people to interact effectively, think critically and act in a socially and democratically responsible way, able to demand...

‘Share your traditions with us' is a project created to promote a deep understanding and appreciation of cultural diversity in Europe.

This project is designed to teach English as an enjoyable and effective way in middle classrooms. It is going to act as a way of implementing the approved Erasmus project and dissemination activity.