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European School Education Platform


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Projects (225)

Suradnja i međusobno uvažavanje unutar razrednog odjela, škole i obitelji. Uključivanje roditelja u školske aktivnosti s ciljem uspostave kvalitetne suradnje na dobrobit učenika.

Education begins with games. Children of this century spend a lot of time with today's digital games. However, these games are not sufficient for our physical, cognitive, social and language...

Wellbeing at school Good mental health and wellbeing is essential for school students. It helps them to learn effectively, cope with day-to-day challenges, and develop into resilient young adults.The...

With this project, we plan to introduce students with the historical background of celebrating Women's Day,by fighting for human rights and women's rights, the right to better working conditions, the...

National Quality Label

Svedoci smo ubrzanog razvoja AI i njegovih mogućnosti. U želji da AI što bolje iskoristimo i implementiramo u nastavu, kroz saradnju sa nastavnicima upoznaćemo njene mogućnosti i otkrićemo načine na...

Ovim ćemo projektom obeležiti Dan ružičastih majica 28.2.2024 .Učenici će upoznati na koje sve načine mogu doprineti smanjenju vršnjačkog nasilja.U toku projekta učenici će raditi mnogobrojne...

Art and heart are two interrelated concepts that have been explored throughout human history. Art has the power to emotionally move people, to touch their hearts and souls, and to create a deep sense...

Projektom Krila muzike želimo povećati interesovanje učenika za ovu vrstu umetnosti a nastavnike podstaći na korišććenje inovativnih metoda u nastavi koje bi se tokom projekta prezentovale učesnicima...