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European School Education Platform


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Projects (130)

"Connecte-ED in Digitalotropolis” is an eTwinning project that uses digital cooperation to connect European schools. This project intends to encourage cross-cultural ties and digital literacy among...

It will be a project that embraces well-being, which expresses whether an individual is aware of his or her goals in life, his awareness of his potential, and the quality of his relationship with...

În cadrul proiectului ne propunem să promovăm lectură în rândul adolescenților, să cooperăm în plan cultural prin intermediul cărților și să adoptăm o viziune nouă despre rolul cărților în viața...

The goal of the project is to see climate change on the ground and observe it in different countries

Aesthetic education, as a side of education, fulfills multiple educational functions, exerting a multilateral action on the development of personality, aiming at the development of the ability to...

To emphasize the importance of agriculture and trees in human life by increasing the knowledge of participating students about trees and agriculture. .Understanding the effects of changing climate...

In this project children aged 3 to 11 will use digital tools in order to understand and analyse fairytales.

PROJET EN FRANÇAIS Nous allons créer un jeu de cartes des 7 familles avec des élèves de plusieurs pays européens. L'objectif de ce projet est de développer les compétences sociales et...