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European School Education Platform


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Projects (64)

Investigating local consequences of climate change and understanding how we can react and adapt at a local and global level. Our schools are both situated in relatively small towns however, during the...

Friendship is an opportunity for connection based on mutual interests and/or values. How to make new friends? How to avoid wrong crowd?! Through a number of activities we will guide the students on...

National Quality Label

The program aims to encourage students to collaborate with different schools by getting acquainted with those schools and presenting their own school.

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

Bir toplumun ürettiği ve kuşaktan kuşağa aktardığı her türlü maddi ve manevi özelliklerin bütününe kültür denir. Kültür, toplumun yaşayış ve düşünüş tarzıdır. Kültür, bir toplumun kimliğini oluşturur...

Gathering of musical students from Norway, Slovenia and Denmark. Playing and writing music, searching for new methods, testing them, improving those already existing. To stimulate various activities...

Die Kinder auf dem Lande führen einerseits das gleiche, andererseits das andere Leben als die Schüler in einer Stadt. Im Bezug darauf wollen wir in unserem Projekt zeigen sowohl Unterschiede als auch...

National Quality Label

- Ziele im Umwelt und Klimaschutz - Umwelt und Klimawandel - Energie und Ressourcen

The Projects aims to get students to create their own shared vision of the future guided by European values and influenced by their reflections on the past and sharing an understanding that they are...

National Quality Label