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European School Education Platform


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Projects (618)

Hi everyone! We created this project to improve pupils' art knowledge and language skills. Students will act out different paintings by different artists such as Van Gogh, Salvador Dali, Leonarda Da...

Projekt "It's okay to be different" ma na celu zwrócenie uwagi uczniów na to, że mają w swoim otoczeniu osoby, które borykają się z różnymi problemami i odbierają świat w zupełnie inny sposób niż oni...

Disinformation manipulates people’s moods and choices, creating false fears and expectations. Against this background, it remains one of the main challenges in the modern world - do not be deceived...

National Quality Label

What do young people‘s lives in Europe look like? Let‘s have a closer look at certain snapshots in teenage lives all over Europe. The students will suggest ideas for those snapshots like „my way to...

National Quality Label

This project is to run alongside an Erasmus Plus KA2 project. This is the second year we will work together and we are welcoming new partners for E-twinning. We want to share ideas of how to introduce...

The project focuses on activities in nature. We are strong advocated for children spending time outdoors and in nature every day for their mental and physical health and wellbeing. We have to learn...

FRA Proposer à nos élèves : 1) De comprendre le sens figuré d'expressions courantes. Par exemple : "se noyer dans un verre d'eau" = "éprouver des difficultés devant un petit problème". 2) De les...

National Quality Label

Kad otpadne posljednji jesenski listić i tlo prekriju prve snježne pahuljice, dolazi zima, počinje čarobna zimska fantazija . Ovo je tromjesečni projekt koji se fokusira na zimu kao godišnje doba i...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label