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European School Education Platform


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Projects (191)

Nature is an important part of our lives and it is the most important topic in early childhood. It all revolves around nature. But children are almost always curious about colors. They think of nature...

Development of general competences (e.g. we are tolerant, cooperative). The third grades from both schools draw a picture of their family. They send them to the partner school, where they write a...

Algajate koolitused

BREAK TIME (Bullying Rudeness Exploits Against Kids-Time For Inclusion In Multicultural Europe) has been thought to overcome all the problems related to students (age range 13-18) whose little...

Kinderen bewust maken van de klimaatsveranderingen door toedoen van de mensheid. Kinderen bewust maken dat we nu iets moeten doen aan onze manier van leven om onze planeet te redden. Er is geen Planet...

Puuduvad ajakohased õuesõppe mängude kirjeldused, mida õpetaja saaks lihtsalt oma tegevuses kasutada. Projektis osalevad õpetajad kirjutavad üles kõik mängud, mida nad kasutavad meie õuealal õuesõpet...

The children in our classroom will make our future. To make our future beautiful and sustainable we need to work on this together. In this project we focus on three main topics: Land Water Bugs and...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

Erinevate kooliastmete õppijad pakuvad välja ideid õuesõppe läbiviimiseks oma kodukohas. Ideedest tulenevalt kavandatakse igas koolis 3 õppekäiku, vastavalt projektis osalevate õpilaste vanuseastmele...