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European School Education Platform


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Projects (80)

This project aims at connecting participants from this TCA (Training and Cooperation Activity) and serves as a platform for safe document distribution.

With online-tools groups of students interact in order to get to know each other and learn about cultural differences and similarities

The project aims at summarising a cooperation of two school – from the Netherlands and from Poland which was done as part of Erasmus Accreditation. The students from Poland visited their peers in the...

A one school-year project between five schools (3 from Austria, 2 from Holland) where students work on different topics (e.g. love/relationships, culture/traditions, prejudices) in different ways. End...

Our project motivation originates from the urgency of teaching our pupils ,who will be active grown ups in the future, the importance of water in our lives. We want to make our pupils understand that...

The motivation for this project originates in the urgence of teaching our pupils ,who will be active grown ups in the future, the importance of water in our lives. We want to make our pupils...

The aim of the project is to enable two groups of students to get to know each other before they meet in April. We want the students to introduce themsleves and learn something about the culture of...

Mit Hilfe des Projekts möchten wir unseren Schüler*innen die Möglichkeiten geben, die umfangreiche Basiskompetenzen für eine erfolgreiche Lebensplanung im europäischen Rahmen bieten. In Vordergrund...