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European School Education Platform


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Projects (602)

Овај пројекат се покреће са циљем да буде виртуелни радни простор за спровођење семинара „Основе eTwinning-а као алата за реализацију пројектно-оријентисане наставе" који је акредитовао Завод за...

The connection between the environment and mindfulness is a powerful one. Mindfulness involves being fully present and aware of our thoughts, feelings, and surroundings in the present moment. When we...

Our project is a project that you will do with primary school and secondary school 1st grade children between the ages of 7 and 11. Our project will include fairy tale writing, fairy tale illustration...

With this project we aim to have Earthquake Preparedness, Natural Disaster Resilience, and Cultural Heritage Preservation. First we will define what the natural disasters are, what can be counted as...

The project aims to develop students' creativity, increase their problem solving skills and reinforce their interest in technology by using various artificial intelligence and technology tools such as...

The project aims at raising awareness about recycling among students between the ages of 12-15. Unfortunately, ss are unaware of the harms they give to the environment by throwing their rubbish around...

Ovim ćemo projektom obeležiti Dan ružičastih majica 28.2.2024 .Učenici će upoznati na koje sve načine mogu doprineti smanjenju vršnjačkog nasilja.U toku projekta učenici će raditi mnogobrojne...

The project focuses on enhancing students' well-being through the integration of AI tools. Students will use AI to create personalized avatars based on prompts and engage in logo-making activities...