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European School Education Platform


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Projects (627)

Back for the 14th year running, Schoolovision is a primary schools' version of the Eurovision Song Contest.

Keywords: bullying, cyberbullying, SEN students, Erasmus+ project. The Need to carry out this project Online bullying and SEN Disabled young people and young people with special educational needs are...

Keywords: leadership, entrepreneurship education, special education, inclusive entrepreneurship, Erasmus+ project. The Need to carry out this project: Through this project we want to expand the...

In our project, students send Christmas greeting e-cards in their national languages and English, they present their schools, cities and Christmas traditions in their country.

National Quality Label

Le patrimoine de valeur nationale doit être enrichi et transmis de génération en génération, à travers le processus éducatif. L'éducation vise la familiarisation avec les valeurs nationales...

National Quality Label

À l'ère numérique, nous sommes constamment exposés à des informations, des questions politiques aux publicités et campagnes marketing, qui ne nous parviennent pas sans un filtre autre que notre propre...

National Quality Label

We will carry this project in line with our Erasmus+ KA229 project. We aim to raise responsible citizens that care about their environment, love their nature and animals around them, keep their...

National Quality Label

During the project students will share activities about picture books read in class to all the schools participating in the project. All children will introduce themselves, their school and place...