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European School Education Platform


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Projects (63)

The objective of this project is to work on the topic of non-hostile communication starting from the manifesto published in the website https://paroleostili.it/en/manifesto/ in order to enhance the...

Founder schools have worked on the eTwinning Project “HOPES - Here Our Problems,Easy Solutions” enabling their students to identify, analyse and discuss approaches to different teens’ problems. Thus...

In this project all partners work together and identify today's environmental problems and take action towards a greener future.

Wir tauschen uns über unsere nationalen Traditionen aus und feiern sie gemeinsam (online und eventuell auch mit einem gemeinsamen Treffen)

After working on the problems and consequences of plastic for three years, we now set our focus on preparing so called „green evenings“, that are being presented when visting our partner schools in...

The two schools will carry out activities related to the culture, ecology, habits, cities... Using English and Spanish as languages ​​of communication.

“Teaching our children to share is teaching them compassion and love.” Kevin Heath The main aim of this project is to encourage our students to share their knowledge, experiences and emotions with...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

Mobile Augmented Reality Games (MARG) are gaming environments that embed virtual, location specific and contextual information into a physical site. These games require mobile or ubiquitous computing...