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European School Education Platform


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Projects (2505)

C est un projet qui vise la création de liens d'amitié entre les élèves des différents pays - Apprendre à connaitre les autres et à mieux se connaitre soi même - avec une réflexion sur le thème de l...

This project aims to help students to expand their horizons with exchanging greetings (common, holiday, seasonal...) with students, which live in different countries and cultures. The children who...

This project aims to rethink the way we recycle, reduce and reuse everything around us, but is also about developing students' creative and critical skills.

We try to make our school days more well-being i.e. better and more comfortable. For this we generate ideas and visualize them. As a result, we present our innovative solutions for improving student...

The main idea of this project is to point out the importance of having breakfast. Students prefer sleeping to having breakfast. That effects students' focusing on the first lessons. While learning the...

In this project, students will explore various aspects of environmental conservation and sustainability through collaborative activities, research, and creative expression. The project aims to raise...

Students will complete some linguistic tasks based on a to-do list prearranged by the teacher. Students share their outcome on PADLET- a moodboard, an interview, a fact file, a short text,videos...

With this project, we aim to teach our students how limited fossil energy sources harm the environment, the necessity of using green energy sources instead, and the awareness of using energy correctly...