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European School Education Platform


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Projects (100)

With this projects we want to promote emotional awareness, empathy and collaboration among young pupils from different schools around Europe. Young learners will connect with peers, express their...

The aim of this project is to develop children's interest in science and engineering, by provoking their curiosity and the search for plausible explanations for the phenomena and objects around us...

Proiectul a pornit de la ideea că cunoașterea importanței implementării în procesul educațional a resurselor educaționale, jocurilor digitale, metode de predare învățare interactive performante redate...

Our goal is to improve the awareness about the well-being at school and the responsibility each shareholder has -not only teachers, school or the parents but also students who are the first degree...

Carrying out research in a positive learning environment helps to increase motivation among students. While working on a project, students will experience the ability to use mathematical thinking and...

We want to motivate our students to look through the traditional fairy tale books with which they have grown up and to translate them into English and even change something from the plot to teach...

Educația ecologică — include dezvoltarea calităților civice, morale și spirituale ale copilului. Legătura dintre om și natură a fost studiată de mințile proeminente ale omenirii din toate vremurile...

Identifying the matematical notion of proportion in day to day life (traditional food) and the consolidation of vocabulary related to cooking and Math.