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European School Education Platform


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Projects (24779)

How students can reappropriate great masterpieces to deliver a message? French-Spanish student groups will work on several art detours and will themselves hijack a work of art in order to deliver a...

French and German students will gain information about the EU and the European Election. They will work together on different aspects concerning the election.

This project is an invitation to cultural discovery and creativity. It is a virtual journey to Poland and Réunion. The project aims to open up cultural horizons through the discovery of the partners'...

Discovering how teenagers across Europe enjoy their summer holidays through an exchange of Bucket Lists.

Ce projet est à destination des élèves de 6 à 12 ans (cycles 2 et 3, classes de 6ème et 5ème de collège). Il a pour objectif de construire les bases d’une culture citoyenne européenne, les élèves...

Topic Well-being at school

Dans le prolongement de la formation intitulée Vers le chef-d'oeuvre avec eTwinning du 26/03/2024 (Académie de Nantes), les intervenantes ont proposé aux stagiaires de mettre à profit et en pratique...

The objective is to create a TV news bulletin together with European students! English will be used to communicate among the participants, since one of the main goals is to make students speak and...