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European School Education Platform


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Projects (457)

Culture is the backbone of a society... we want to leave traces of culture from the past to our future, which is close to being assimilated in this digital world. Our project includes regional...

"One Touch of Nature Makes the Whole World Kin" project is an international etwinning project which aims not only tell the importance of planting but also take action for a greener world. Every minute...

In the eTwinning project 'Well-Being at School through Soft Skills,' we aim to foster a supportive and inclusive school environment by emphasizing the development of essential soft skills among...

The food we eat, the dishes we prepare are part of our national and cultural heritage as well as an expression of our personal identity. By sharing all kinds of information about eating and food in...

Projemizde öğrencilerin erken yaşlarda edindikleri teknolojik becerileri öğrenme yöntem ve teknikleri ile birleştiriyoruz. Belirlediğimiz WEB2.0 araçları (Rizzle, Suno, Artflow, Body Synth, Canva...

This project aims at exploring the world of sports and improving students’ well being throughout the discovery of the Olympic Games, famous sports people from both countries and the benefits of...

Heutzutage nimmt die Zahl von virtueller Museen und virtueller Ausstellungen weltweit rasant zu. So sehr, dass es heute möglich ist, viele Museen auf der Welt virtuell zu besuchen – wo auch immer Sie...

A short project to celebrate the European Day of Languages (26th September): the result will be presented in our schools via different media (posters, EDL corner, facebook pages, school sites…) from...