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European School Education Platform


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Projects (668)

Öğrencilerin kelime dağarcığını geliştirmek, öğrencileri kitap okumaya teşvik etmek, öğrencilerin her ay yeni kelimeler öğrenmesini ve bu kelimeleri günlük yaşamda kullanmasını sağlamak, Proje sonunda...

National Quality Label

This project will be in relation with our Routes to Roots Ka2 erasmus project.

Every month, the teachers will organize workshops and lectures for the students on the topics of online safety and digital and media literacy. They will also communicate with the partners in Europe...

National Quality Label

We are green, we are water, we are healthy, we are not plastic, we are life! A topic for each day of the week from 22 to 26th November 2021 in order to join the European Week for Waste Reduction...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

The only way to gain knowledge and new information is by reading and exploring. Reading takes us to the places that we have never been, to the adventures that we can only dream about. We meet new...

À l'ère numérique, nous sommes constamment exposés à des informations, des questions politiques aux publicités et campagnes marketing, qui ne nous parviennent pas sans un filtre autre que notre propre...

National Quality Label

FRA Proposer à nos élèves : 1) De comprendre le sens figuré d'expressions courantes. Par exemple : "se noyer dans un verre d'eau" = "éprouver des difficultés devant un petit problème". 2) De les...

National Quality Label

The book is one of the possibilities of happiness ”(Jorge Luis Borges). Reading stories is one of the most appreciated proposals by preschools, both in daily practice and in "emergency" teaching...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label