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European School Education Platform


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Projects (146)

This short online project allows the attending students to get to know each other and the reasons for joining students councils and the roles of active members making way for a physical mobility.

2023-1-IT02-KA121-SCH-000122410 IC Sacconi's students open a web-radio to connect and exchange podcasts with different schools in Europe, beginning with Portugal, Czech Republic, Estonia, France. All...

This project aims to make pupils aware of the impact of human activities on natural environments, and to develop eco-friendly actions aimed at preserving biodiversity.

The aim of this eTwinning project is to create a place where partners can work together, share materials and keep in touch in the context of the Erasmus+ project "Every Island is a treasure Island" (N...

The aim of the project is to link knowledge of the water (marine) environment with global goals. In the course of the project, students collaborate both within the school and internationally in order...

Võtame fookusesse 5R-i suhtluses - reduce, reuse, recycle, repair, reject. Õpime, kuidas igapäevastes tegemistes teha jätkusuutlikke valikuid. Praktiseerime võõrkeeli.

Promoting interest and excellence in STEM as science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) and the STEAM approach (including art).

This project is a joint eTwinning and Erasmus+ project where we are going to be working with students 3 to 12 years old. The project has got partner schools from Poland, Estonia and Spain. The main...