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European School Education Platform


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Projects (2645)

Proiectul are în vedere activități de reciclare și valorificare a deșeurilor care implică utilizarea unor instrumente de tehnologie. Elevii pot să creeze obiecte de artă decorativă și design folosind...

Elevi din licee din diverse zone geografice ale României vor colabora pentru a sărbătorii Ziua Europei

Technology has now become an indispensable part of education. We use technology at every stage of education. We use technology in many places, from easy access to information to organizing the...

We aim to ensure that our students become water literate by increasing their awareness about water. We want to raise water ambassadors by reducing their water footprint and ensuring they use water...

We are immersed in a hybrid reality that is inevitably and radically transforming the world as we know it; virtual and physical will be intersected and Internet is already instituting itself as a...

The aim is to prevent the decrease in the habit of reading books with the widespread use of technology, to make children love reading books and to gain this habit. Our project will cover students...

With our project, our students will understand the importance of nature and trees. That will create an effective awareness.

We plan to work on a problem with our students every month. While working with our students during this period, we plan to carry out our studies with an interdisciplinary approach in branches such as...