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European School Education Platform


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Projects (117446)

Proiectul are scopul de a dezvolta încrederea elevilor în ei, de a pune în valoare importanța abilităților profesionale ale elevilor din învățământul profesional. Prin acest proiect, elevii vor învăța...

The Special Educational and Educational Center in Sieradz is implementing project No. 2022-1-PL01-KA121-SCH-000066247 co-financed under the European Union Erasmus + School Education program. The aim...

Through this project, students will not only understand human and child rights but will also have the opportunity to exercise their own democratic abilities in defining and promoting the specific...

The students will exchange handmade Easter cards via the traditional post. The cards will also be accompanied with an introduction letter in order for the participants to learn a few things about the...

Our project is a dynamic cultural exchange initiative between Izbilim College and Kvinesdal Ungdomskole, aimed at fostering cross-cultural understanding, collaboration, and global citizenship among...

The "Digital Citizenship and Media Literacy Project" starts with a virtual orientation session, setting project objectives and distributing resources on digital citizenship. Students engage in self...

The "Discover Romania" eTwinning project aims to explore the diverse cultural, geographical, and historical aspects of Romania through an interdisciplinary approach. By engaging students from...

The project aims to foster cultural awareness and understanding among students by exploring and comparing daily customs and traditions from different countries. Students will research and document the...