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European School Education Platform


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Projects (1934)

The aim of this project is to make our students aware of the importance of science and scientists (women in particular) in history, and the difficulties they had to face. In our town, a well-known...

The SARS-CoV-2 virus has brought major changes to the way we work, learn, socialize and interact have fun. The pandemic, which forced online teaching and prophylactic isolation, among many other...

Echange scolaire entre collégiens de Pornic et de Baiona dans le cadre d'un jumelage. Activités culturelles et linguistiques autour du thème de la mer. Intercambio escolar entre alumnado de Pornic y...

The project of the two schools in Santiago de Compostela and Bad Nenndorf centres around different issues that more and more influence our lives in various ways. Under the headline "Diversity" many...

Schüler und Schülerinnen der EOI Torrelavega, EOI Ourense und EOI Tortosa recherchieren Informationen über Prominente im deutschprachigen Raum und sie tauschen sie untereinander aus.

Sawubona meaning ( I see you, I respect you, you are important to me). In this project pupils experiment with seeds and plants what "take care" and diversity means, imaging them as european citiziens...

Haremos tres programas de radio uniendo las dos orillas del océano Atlántico y tres continentes ya que los tres centros centros participantes, aunque siendo centros de titularidad española, se...

With this project we want, first of all, to approach our students to Leo Lionni stories. In his books he uses a metaphorical language to make us reflect on the importance of being ourselves, the value...