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European School Education Platform


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Projects (183)

This is a virtual Museum about Well-being at school created with the artsteps plateform. There will be differents rooms : - room dedicated to emotions and feelings : sadness, happiness, fear… - room...

Учениците да умеат да се заштитат од елементарните непогоди. Како адекватно да одговорорат во вакви ситуации, како да се заштитаат себеси и најблиското опкружување.

The drone industry is growing rapidly and taking its place among the important professions of the future. Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) are used as solution tools in various applications such as...

Learning English is a necessity and fun in today's world.Therefore, as the teachers of English Language,we must do our best to teach it in a productive and enjoyable way to all our students and future...

With this project we aim to have Earthquake Preparedness, Natural Disaster Resilience, and Cultural Heritage Preservation. First we will define what the natural disasters are, what can be counted as...

In our modern word volunteer works have been a vital place for education. It is necessary for students to develop self-esteem, empathy, social relationship, communication skills. Volunteer Warriors is...

Proiectul nostru, ,,Drumuri sigure, viitor verde: Inovare pentru securitate și economie durabilă”, își propune să abordeze interconexiunea dintre siguranța rutieră, protejarea mediului înconjurător...

Do you want to challenge my students in an ESCAPE GAME and become a digital super hero citizen? Gamification metodology. I'll show you all steps to create the Escape room and the apps that can be used...