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European School Education Platform


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Projects (14350)

În acest proiect ne propunem ca elevii să conștientizeze importanța cunoașterii mediului natural și antropic din jur, protejarea acestuia și să aplice metode de reducere a impactului negativ asupra...

Make tomorrow climate friendly through positive action, act globally and join global action days to make a positive impact on climate issues. The mentioned project will motivate others and involve...

Our schools have set sail on a project towards a greener and more sustainable future. We want to stop using plastic water bottles in our schools. Therefore, we are trying to raise awareness within the...

Projekt zakłada zauważanie przez uczniów zależności pomiędzy roślinami i zwierzętami, które można spotkać na łące. Ponadto ma rozbudzić zainteresowania otaczającą nas przyrodą. Zadania wykonywane...

Having a pet can indeed be incredibly beneficial for your well-being! They offer companionship, reduce stress, provide a sense of purpose, and can even improve physical health by encouraging exercise...

ნაადრევი ქორწინება, Early marriage

Our main goal is to promote environmental awareness among all participants through this project, which involves active engagement of students, teachers, the school community, parents, and locals from...

Nowadays its vitally important for our planet to raise people's awareness about ecological problems and the best ways to solve the problems which are caused by human's activities. Analyze of...