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European School Education Platform


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Projects (38200)

‘’The Impact of Positive Self-Perception on Ourselves and Our Environment’’ From the moment we are born, we are surrounded by a social environment. Our personal development towards becoming...

Copilăria este cea mai frumoasă perioadă din viaţa fiecăruia, reprezentând vârsta inocenţei şi a candorii. Copilăria este o lume fermecată și plină de mister! În realizarea acestui proiect am pornit...

The students involved in this project will exchange information about the best places someone could visit in their countries.The project will allow students to practise their critical thinking...

Creating film scripts and making short films, based on real stories, inspired by the students' lives.

Proiectul este de tip transdisciplinar şi îşi propune să atragă atenția asupra importanței utilizării responsabile și sustenabile a apei. Abordarea activităților se va realiza prin metode de cooperare...

Les élèves de chacun des collèges échangeront des idées pour créer les professions du futur. Ils apprendront à se connaitre, à discuter sur leurs intérêts et comment grâce à une profession ils...

This project will explore the role of music and art in education and teens’ well-being at school with a particular focus on inclusiveness and common European values. Students will experience new ways...