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European School Education Platform


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Projects (519)

Students will collaboratively create posters, interactive quizzes, and virtual tours of the United Kingdom and the United States using ICT tools. Through these project activities, students will have...

Projekt dla uczniów klas 1-3 o tematyce przyrodniczo-krajoznawczej „Podróże małe i duże”. Podczas trwania projektu uczniowie będą poznawać walory turystyczne oraz zabytki różnych regionów Polski, z...

Do you like travelling? Let's visit European towns from our classroom! We will introduce ourselves to our European friends, we will give them a tour of the town where we live and we will get to know...

The main aim of this project is to make an international partnership with schools and students age 11-15. I would like to encourage my students to be more active and confident in using foreign...

The aim of the project was to bring the child closer to the world of nature by learning, observing, experiencing and discovering the life of ants with different senses. The topic of this project...

The project aim at creating an agorà in wich several primary schools meet to share cultures and didactics. The core goals are enhancing the intercultural competence and develope english language skill...

National Quality Label

Well-being is a basic human right. One of the most important tasks of the World Health Organization (WHO) is the healthy cognitive, emotional, behavioral, physical, and social development of the...

Our students are not always aware of the historical and social importance of the antique buildings of their territory. In this multidisciplinary project we aim to enhance the awareness of the students...