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European School Education Platform


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Projects (20)

La Terre, en tant que planète, a ses propres lois, non écrites. Des lois qui, inconnues et non respectées, peuvent se retourner contre l’homme avec une force inimaginable. Les conséquences de nos...

The set of rules that are accepted in the society and that direct the behavior of people living in that society constitute the values. Values education is important to ensure social peace. With the...

National Quality Label

Ce projet vise à aider les eTwinneurs à gérer le Twinspace dans leurs prochains projets ou ceux en cours.

Atasözlerimizin hikayeleri, önceden belirlenen etkinlik ve WEB2 araçları ile canlandırılır. Ortaklar kendi adet ve geleneklerini tanıtan etkinliklere katılırlar.

Ce projet va permettre aux élèves d'apprendre et d'aimer la programmation en les motivant à découvrir d'autres pays et d'autres personnes. On va créer des programmes et des applications en favorisant...

Foreign languages are an important part of the programs of language and literature subjects, but, sometimes, teachers have some problems in motivating their students. Beyond that, speaking foreign...

National Quality Label

Let’s Find Our Rights is a project about Human Rights. It will start at the first of March and end at the end of April 2020. It involves around 20 schools from different countries. The students are...

We are SDGs ambassadors! we will teach our students global goals , especially Climate change to make the world a better place for you and for me and for the humain race