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European School Education Platform


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Projects (44)

Oyun; öğrenme sürecini desteklerken, mekan, yaş, kademe fark etmeksizin keşfetme ve deneyimleme fırsatı sunar. Öğretim faaliyetleri sunuş yöntemine sıkışıp kalmayacak kadar kıymetli, ezberlemek yerine...

With this project, we plan to introduce students with the historical background of celebrating Women's Day,by fighting for human rights and women's rights, the right to better working conditions, the...

National Quality Label

In this project, schools from different regions of Europe will come together and make some studies about green environment and green school. The project aims to focus on the importance of reducing...

It is a project that aims to offer students a broad perspective in the field of science and technology. With this project, students will begin a journey by learning basic coding skills and develop...

Projemizin amacı, geri dönüşüm malzemelerini kullanarak, çevreye duyarlı bilinçli tüketici olarak çocukların planlama, mantık yürütme, mantıksal bütünleme, görsel-uzamsal düşünme, sıra dışı düşünme...

In light of the eTwinning 2024 theme "Wellbeing at School" and exploring and integrating a "whole-school approach to well-being and mental health", students from different countries will be able to...

National Quality Label

Projemizde, öğrencilerimizin doğada ve günlük yaşamlarında karşılaştıkları problemlere STEM (Fen,Teknoloji, Mühendislik, Matematik) yaklaşımıyla çözümler üretmelerini sağlayarak 21. yy becerileri...

The goal of this project is for primary ad secondary school students to develop commuication, research, teamwork and creativity skills through solving problems, experimenting and making conclusions...