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European School Education Platform


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Projects (1996)

"Ne dopustite da vas zavaraju oni koji tvrde da ste premladi da biste mijenjali svijet. Vi ste upravo oni koji će ga promijeniti." - Malala Yousafzai Mladi su ključni nositelji promjena u društvu, no...

Državna organizacija za podršku eTwinning-u već treću godinu za redom poziva eTwinnere da učestvuju u obilježavanju Dana planete Zemlje i to putem dostavljanja vlastitih praksi, prijedloga, ideja u...

Suradnja i međusobno uvažavanje unutar razrednog odjela, škole i obitelji. Uključivanje roditelja u školske aktivnosti s ciljem uspostave kvalitetne suradnje na dobrobit učenika.

The main goal of the project is to enable 10-14 year old secondary school students to get to know the cities they live in. It is aimed for students to get to know the works left by the Ottoman Empire...

Education begins with games. Children of this century spend a lot of time with today's digital games. However, these games are not sufficient for our physical, cognitive, social and language...

Izrada kreativnih lektira. Poticanje djece na čitanje te razvoj kreativnosti, estetike i ljubavi prema čitanju.

In this project, students will create some puppets by using spoons, socks or etc.They will improve their hand skills and dream power.Then, they will write some theater plays about any topics they want...

Wellbeing at school Good mental health and wellbeing is essential for school students. It helps them to learn effectively, cope with day-to-day challenges, and develop into resilient young adults.The...