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European School Education Platform


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Projects (470)

Create a magazine with article on multilangual Plan: animal mediation, SPA intervention, refuge visit, work on endangered species, Imagine a law to protect animals and make it a photographic...

Mobilité de cadres de l’Éducation nationale de la DSDEN de Loire-Atlantique en Finlande en mai 2022 pour une observation de mises en œuvre autour de l'amélioration du climat scolaire : - visite d'une...

Presentations about different aspects and values of what is central for Europe.

The pupils of Scuola Secondaria di I Grado "G. Bartolena" and Eräjärven koulu work together on the topic Nature and Environment. The pupils meet each other in Italy, the project is part of the Erasmus...

* მოსწავლეთა ცნობიერების შემუშავება * მოსწავლეთა და მშობელთა ჩართულობა, ერთობლიობა * ინფორმაციების მოძიებისა და დახარისხების სწავლება. * თანამშრომლობის უნარების განვითარება. * პრობლემის გადაჭრის...

Our everyday choices, although small, affect on the environment and the people both near and far. We want to take a challenge on critically observing our daily choices and habits. By becoming more...

In our project, we want to draw attention to the negativities experienced by children who are victims of war in the world and emphasize that every child has the right to live in peace.. Projemizde...

National Quality Label
European Quality Label

P.E.A.CE P=Pupils-Parents-People E=Education A=All-till Art, no-till Agriculture CE=CEnter First of all,our project slogan inspired us throught a global PEACE.When I read the book "The Lemon Tree" in...