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European School Education Platform

Teaching Materials

Lesson plans and other materials to enrich your classroom and school

Autism online

The Autisme en ligne / Autism online project is a free and open access self-service information platform for professionals, and particularly targeted at mainstream primary school teachers. The project aims to share pedagogical and didactic knowledge in order to promote the inclusion of pupils with ASD in mainstream education.
Special needs education

Sport values in every classroom: toolkit

In recognition of the potential of sport, six international partners collaborated to create this resource which engages youth through movement-based classroom activities while helping teachers instil some of the core values synonymous with sport: respect, equity and inclusion.
Social skills

OFF-Book project: theatrical laboratories to prevent early school leaving

The Erasmus+ OFF-Book project aims to promote school inclusiveness and the mutual understanding among different cultures, and to contribute to the prevention of early school leaving by fostering theatrical performance in schools.
Tackling early school leaving
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Ndani, mësoni dhe kuptoni traditat dhe zakonet tona

"Unë besoj në tradita: Unë besoj në idenë e gjërave që kalohen midis brezave dhe transmetimit të ngadaltë të vlerave kulturore përmes traditës." Graham Moore Ky komplet do të ofrojë mundësinë që studentët të kuptojnë për

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Bëni veprime për të ardhmen

Ndotja, e llojeve të ndryshme, ka një ndikim të rëndësishëm në shoqëri dhe mjedis. Sipas Organizatës Botërore të Shëndetit, rreth 4.2 milion vdekje çdo vit janë rezultat i ekspozimit ndaj ndotjes së ajrit në natyrë.