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Somewhere over the rainbow

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we are trying to enter...we are waiting for the host. Is the meeting start??


Hi Francesca,Dagmara,David and Mustafa

We are going to have an online meeting with students. 

Meeting will start at 12:45 in Madrid-SPain /Rome -Italy/Warsaw Poland time -13:45 in İstanbul Turkey 

Here is the link (Zoom )Meeting - Let's sing the song together

Meeting ID: 556 686 3753
Passcode: rainbow

Fatma Karadaş is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Somewhere over the rainbow
Time: May 12, 2022 01:30 PM Istanbul

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 556 686 3753
Passcode: rainbow

We are very excited for tomorrow :) 

Best regards 



Dear Fatma for us,on Friday, it would be better at 10/10.30 a.m.( time in Rome-Italy). I wait for your answers...Thank you!!

Best regards,



We will send a video of singing a song this week:)

It's done:)


Polish rainbow

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We've just uploaded photos of spring colouring activities, quiver colouring activities, quivervision activities and school and classroom decorations :)

Best wishes from Poland!


These are some of David's students' Logos. They are so beautiful. 

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Hi Friends! You can share your activities here : This is awesome!!!! Thank you Dagmara Terzis-Daja

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Hi everyone! 

I am very proud of you ! Thank you so much for your great efforts. 

Now let me tell you about next and last stages we will do  in April.

First ; We will do coloring activities about spring. I have added some to google drive folder and here is the share link.

Spring coloring sheets

Then we will use Quiver app at this stage. I have choosen three coloring pack . All of students will color them. When they scan it with the phone cameras their colorings will be  able to move and seen 3d . It's like magic. They draw and it comes life :))  and  morever they will be able to play with it. Quiver is an application of 3D Augmented Reality animate of the  images.And here is the google drive link for these packs.You have to print them, color and scan them with phones. They will love it! You have to take screen shots or videos while they are playing with them . And upload to the twinspace.

Quivervision coloring packs

After these coloring activities  we will decorate our classes in Spring/Rainbow  theme. You are free about decorating. Just do not forget to take photos of students while coloring and decorating. I am so excited to see how you will decorate your classes.

And the last stage is singing.

We will sing " I can sing a rainbow song / Rainboy song for kids". All partners will sing and upload the video to the padlet and share a copy with me so that I can cut and paste videos of  all partners just like we are singing  the song.

We will have an online meeting and sing that song . Each country will sing a part of the song.

I can sing a rainbow song

Kind regards!

Fatma Karadaş. 


Hi to everyone!! Creating avatars has been really exciting...Waiting for the next step, I wish you a nice weekend!!

Francesca xxx