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European School Education Platform

Let's Act

This project aims to be an opportunity for teachers and students around Europe to realize the environmental problems we face, the consequences in nature and people. Becoming more sensitive, both teachers and students, are going to recommend actions for the best of the environment. In this way we will try to connect our voices and influence the communities we live in.



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Congratulations to my students! We are awarded as well!!!!!!


Congratulations to all my students and all partners for this great achievement!

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We are preparing an Art excibition in our school.

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We photoshoot environmental problems in our neighborhood!


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In our school,we recycle batteries, ink,paper ,plastic ,old clothes so municipallity of Pallini, provides us great range of cleaning detergents for free. (compensatory).

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Our class are the winner for this week .Here is our "GREEN FLAG" for recycling .

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ΜΑΥ 19-2022

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Here is our mind map with ideas about out school yard.

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We  finally decided to plant flowers in our school  garden.

Municipality of Pallini offerd us some new plants .

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B-graders watering our new plants in our school yard.

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Today ,on Tuesday May 31st 2022 we successfully carried out, in the premises of the 3rd Primary School of Pallini, an activity within the e-Twinning framework entitled "Lets Act". The topic of the said action was quite specific and was named: "The amazing wordof bees". The educational action was carried out via an online platform with the camera pointed towards the teachers. Both classes of our second Grade had the chance to attend it.

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Our students also had the unique opportunity to see first-hand what an actual bumblebee beehive is like, using a special educational beehive provided by a company which trades in beneficial insects.

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Our students participated very vividly and actively.

At the end of the presentation, various questions were posed by the students and answered by an agronomist and beneficial insects expert Mr George Agelis

For instance "Do wasps produce honey?", "Have wasps got a queen?","Which other species of beneficial insects are there?".

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The action came to an end with the teaching of the song : "Bizz Bizz Busy bees" ,by our English teacher Mr.Michalakellis ,as well as with an art craft workshop.

Various valuable messages emerged from today' s action.

1.The very survival of most plants depends on bees.

2. Bees protect, enriches and upgrades the human habitat.

3. We owe the fragrance and the colors of Spring to bees

4. We can be taught organization, cooperation and team spirit by bees.

We love bees because survival and human life would be almost impossible without them.

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