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European School Education Platform


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Projects (14)

My Dear Colleagues, First of all, we're glad to be part of this project as well. The aim in our team is to share teaching methods and evaluation methods we practise in our classrooms. As everyone...

National Quality Label

Learning through active processing is more effective that by transmission of information alone. When learning is carried out collaboratively with peers then the evidence suggests that it is more...

Collect information, images about Dutch/ Irish ceramics. 0- draw one to discover shapes, measurements from the body as well as decorations in an elaborate version. - look for modern shaped mugs...

• Goal 3 - Health and Well-being • Introducing different sports in different languages • Interview each other (one interviewer, one sportsperson) • Partner school had to guess the sports person • Each...

With the evolution of education students are taking an increased role in content creation at school level. We listen more and more to students and what they have to say. Students take the role of the...

Our cluster


"United in diversity" Cultural heritage is the most striking illustration of the evolution of a nation and an important component of our common identity and heritage. Europe has a rich history. It is...